Saturday, October 23, 2010

Work At Home Opportunities That Are Legitimate

If you search for work at home opportunities online, you will turn up thousands of possibilities. Some of them will be legitimate opportunities, and many of them will be scams that simply want your money. Here are a few ways that you can earn extra income without leaving your house.

Affiliate Relationships

You can make money with affiliate relationships. However, it is not as simple as some may advertise. You need to have a website or a blog to display ads or publish articles. Affiliate relationships usually pay you for directing people to their website. When someone clicks on one of your ads or links, it will have a special number in it. That number will lead back to your account. If someone purchases something, you receive a percentage of the sale.

The main problem with an affiliate relationship is getting people to your ads or links. This is accomplished with SEO or search engine optimization. In other words, when someone goes to a search engine, you want them to use your keywords. In addition, you want to be first on the list of websites that turn up from their searches.

There are several ways that you can improve your rankings. One way, is to submit your site to all of the major search engines. Another way, is to be certain that your keywords are properly placed. This means that they must be in the website "meta tags". If you publish an article, the keywords should be at the first and the last of the article. This allows search engine "bots" to scan the entire web page.

Writing for Money

There are ads that tell you, that you can open an email, read it, and make money. Here is something to keep in mind. If it seems too good to be true, it most likely is. Yet there are legitimate ways to make money online, by writing articles. There are two basic ways to do this. One involves writing articles and publishing them at one of the many online article submission services. The other is simply writing articles and selling them to people.

Writing Your Own Content

When you publish online articles, it is mostly to get someone to click on website links in them. For example, you may sell shoes online. You can publish many articles about the different aspects on shoes. At the end of the article, you can publish links to your website. You can also place important keywords in your articles. This will help people find your articles from search engines.

Selling Your Content

You do not have to sell a 500 word article for as little as a dollar. If you look closely, you will find services that will pay you at least three or four dollars. This seems like a small amount, but it can add up to hundreds of dollars of extra income, per month.


There are legitimate ways to earn extra income and not leave the comfort of your living room. Affiliate relationships can make money and may cost you very little to start up. You may also earn money by writing. If you wish, you may publish your articles at online content submission sites. This may help to get more people to your website. You also have the choice of selling your articles, as you work at home.

If this sounds scary or confusing to you don't worry. Because you can get all the free, step by step training you need to learn how to work at home. We will also give you an opportunity to easily earn money while you learn how to do it for yourself. Earn while you learn.

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